Sunday 19 September 2010

Finding the Best Niche for You

There's a lot of money being made online, and a lot of it is being made by people who have no product of their own. The increase in affiliate business marketing online is the result of more and more people discovering the benefits of selling someone else's product - using one of the most powerful advertising mediums available - the internet.

This increase in affiliate business marketing online has however also resulted in a fair amount of saturation in certain areas. When this method of making money online first started, there was very little competition, and it was easy to make a lot of money very quickly. Now, with the popularity of affiliate marketing growing constantly, it has become more of a challenge - but it simply means that those who are well prepared and who have the right information are the ones who will prosper.

There are three initial steps to ensure your success in affiliate business marketing online. They form the foundation to everything and can make the difference between success and failure. This article covers the first foundation stone - finding the right niche. In the next two articles, I'll share with you the other two pieces of a strong foundation for your success in affiliate business marketing online.

Choosing a niche is the most important part of your preparation for affiliate business marketing online, and it can set you up for easy success if you know what to look for. Most of us tend to look for the biggest market and the most popular product, and go with that. But there is a lot of money to be made in the more targeted niches - and it's often much easier since there's a lot less competition.

So, how do you find a profitable niche? I advise starting with what you love, or a topic that interests (preferably excites) you. If you're working on a subject that you enjoy EVERYTHING is easier. Research is interesting; marketing is enjoyable and social networking is fun. And on top of all this (or because of it) you'll do a much better job and be a lot more successful.

So, here are your three steps to create the first (and most important) foundation stone in your affiliate business marketing online:

Step One:
Make a list of all the subjects and topics that excite you, subjects you feel passionate about, that you enjoy. Don't worry about whether you think there's any money in them, or whether you think other people will be interested in them. Just write them all down anyway - every one. For example: tennis, movies, gardening, steam trains, bees, lasagna, socks.... You get the idea.
Step Two:
Go through the list and add some detail - pick an aspect of each subject that most interests you, for example: tennis techniques for beginners, horror movies, growing roses and so on.
Step Three:
Pick three items from your list that you enjoy most or that you feel most strongly about. Now, be careful... don't choose the ones you think will make the most money - and don't leave out those you think won't make money - choose the topics YOU are most excited about. There will always be a way to make money out of your interest - sometimes you just have to think a little out-of-the-ordinary.

In my next post I'll share with you the most effective Keyword Research" - the next step in how to make money from your interest - whatever it may be!

Here's an example: over 27 100 people search for the term "gel ant" each month. So, if you were fascinated by ants, there's a way to make money from them. There are 33 000 searches each month for "performance socks" - I don't even know what those are, but if socks are a passion of yours, perhaps you do ;) In the next article I'll share with you how to find what people are looking for within your chosen topics - and how to find the areas within those subjects that have the least competition. We're going to make the most of your potential!

Wednesday 15 September 2010

Article Marketing Help - How to Rank High in Google

Here are a few very simple, free and easy article marketing help steps that will enable you to increase your position in Google search results.

I'll also include below some further resources for those who would like to really push the boat out :)

1.  Invest the time to find a good keyword. Good means a minimum of 1 000 searches per month, and fewer than 5 000 search results when you enter your key phrase in quotes. You can raise this minimum to 10 000 or 20 000 if you're using EVO II 

2.  Once you've chosen a good keyword, use it in the title of your article, in the first sentence, and in the last sentence.

3.  Add it in two more places within your article (try to aim for 1% to 2% depending on the keyword).

4.  Make your keyword into "anchor text" to the link you want to promote. For example, if you're promoting bicycle tyres, and your good keyword is "cheap bike tyres" you'll make the words "cheap bike tyres" clickable and link to your website about bicycle tyres. You can see an example of anchor text in the last sentence of this post using the keyphrase article marketing help.

5. Backlink your article from as many relevent sites as possible - again using your keyphrase as anchor text with the URL for your article.

6.  Spend some time each day visiting blogs, social networks and forums that are relevent to your site and leave a comment or post (make sure it's relevent and preferably helpful) and put the link to your article in your signature.

7.  Try to focus your backlinking on pages with high Google page rank if possible, and high authority sites.

8.  Create a Squidoo lens and a Hubpage about your topic, and put the link to your article in anchor text (your keyword).

Further Resources:

Recommended Automated SEO Software
I've seen magical results from this myself - very impressed with it: 7 Day Free Trial EVO II

Free Internet Marketing Training
Mad Marketing Course - excellent step-by-step training by email.

Sara Young's Easy Paycheck Formula
I've done this course myself, and it really does what it says on the tin - I'm still using her strategies, and combined with EVO II it's explosive!

Wealthy Affiliate University
This is where I've learned everything I'm sharing with you, and a lot more. :)

I hope you've found this useful, and if you'd like any more article marketing help  or have any questions, please don't hesitate to leave a comment and I'll answer as soon as I can.